Family Household Chores Checklist
Family Household Chores Checklist
Whether you have a small or large family, clothes need to be washed, beds need to be made, bathrooms need to be cleaned, and chores just need to be done!
With this household chore checklist, it can help get you on your way and let you know who needs to do what. Everyone should be responsible for their own rooms; if old enough, and if a room is shared – the responsibility is shared.
Decide which day each member of the family (if old enough) will do what chore. For example, work clothes get washed on Sunday, whites on Monday, catch up day on Friday, etc.
You can also sit down with a calendar for the weekly and monthly chores and assign them to family members. Keep the calendar where it is easily accessible or where it is easily visible.
The free family check list is available in Word format.
Download this free Family Household Chores Checklist in Word format.